Routine quotidiana in inglese

Frasi per descrivere una giornata tipica in inglese
Impara l’argomento
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of The alarm clock rings.
The alarm clock rings.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I wake up.
I wake up.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I get up.
I get up.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I have a shower.
I have a shower.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I wash.
I wash.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I brush my teeth.
I brush my teeth.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I brush my hair.
I brush my hair.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I dry my hair.
I dry my hair.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I put on make-up.
I put on make-up.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I get dressed.
I get dressed.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I have breakfast.
I have breakfast.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I leave the house.
I leave the house.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I arrive at school.
I arrive at school.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I have lunch.
I have lunch.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I do my homework.
I do my homework.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I play with my friends.
I play with my friends.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I have supper.
I have supper.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I have a bath.
I have a bath.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I watch TV.
I watch TV.
inglese topic: Routine quotidiana, picture of I go to bed.
I go to bed.

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